Faith Community Reviews
"Manic Love weaves an intricate tapestry of faith, love, and mental illness in African American culture. It examines the joys, challenges, sacrifices, and costs of living with a loved one with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This book will provoke and permit you to examine your own thoughts about mental health as well as the culpability of the church in demonizing those who suffer from mental illness and vilifying acceptable treatment strategies, thus standing as an institutional barrier to mental health and wellness in the name of faith."
Rev. Dr. Katurah Jenkins-Hall
Licensed Psychologist and Associate Pastor
New Dawn Restoration Center
Tampa, FL
"Manic Love is an intricately narration of a Christian family that endure generations of a “family secret.” Mental health issues identified in this heart-capturing masterpiece, speaks of those “closeted” taboos of Christendom. Like the people of God in antiquity, mental health issues existed but were overshadowed because of stigma, embarrassment, and most often, ignorance. This griping novel unfolds a family’s struggle(s), from one generation to another, while they serve the Church in laity and clergy. To read this novel is to bring the greatly needed awareness that Christians are flawed humans covered by God’s grace and mercy. I encourage every Christian and clergy leader to read this book, if for nothing less than social awareness that someone right next to us, praising GOD may very well be struggling with mental illnesses. And like “all” our frailties as humans, they deserve the attention, care, and love of the entire community within and outside the Church."
Rev. Dr. Arnett A. Rogiers,
Adjunct Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Valley Forge University
Senior Pastor Emeritus of Shiloh Baptist Church, Bowling Green, VA